Zirconium Dental Crowns

Strength and Aesthetics for a Perfect Smile

Zirconia Crowns in Turkey

What are zirconia crowns?

Zirconia crowns are biocompatible, durable dental restorations produced from zirconium dioxide. Consider zirconia a high-tech crown option to metal or porcelain. They integrate effortlessly with your smile and appear like genuine teeth. Due to its resilience, zirconia crowns can survive everyday biting and chewing. They're biocompatible, so they won't create oral problems. Zirconia crowns are a durable and beautiful dental treatment for tooth restoration and smile enhancement.

In which case can zirconium crowns be applied in Turkey?

Turkish zirconium crowns may be the solution in cases:

  • Cracked, chipped, or broken teeth: Zirconium crowns restore function and beauty to cracked, chipped, or severely fractured teeth because of their strength and longevity.
  • Seriously discoloured teeth: Coffee, tea, and prescription stains may discolour teeth. Whitening procedures may fail. Zirconium crowns mirror your teeth's natural translucency and colour for a permanent, confident smile.
  • Missing teeth: Zirconium crowns, along with dental implants, offer natural-looking replacements. They match your teeth to restore chewing function and a beautiful smile.
  • Extensive fillings: Large or failed fillings weaken and damage teeth. To replace bulky fillings and create a consistent, stunning smile, zirconium crowns are durable and attractive.
  • Crooked teeth: Zirconium crowns may straighten and balance slight misalignments without braces.

Advantages of zirconia crowns I Reasons to get a zirconia crown

These unusual crowns combine beauty, robustness, and biocompatibility, making them popular with residents and visitors. What makes them special? Discover why zirconia crowns may be the best fit for your smile:

  • Aesthetics like never before: Zirconia achieves the unmatched translucency and light-reflecting qualities of natural tooth enamel. Therefore, you may get a bright, natural smile that improves your confidence with a single crown or a complete mouth repair.
  • Built to last: Zirconium dioxide makes zirconia crowns strong. Coronal crowns that don't chip, break, or wear down give you a long-lasting, attractive smile.
  • Metal-free marvels: Zirconia crowns have no metal substructure. People who have metal sensitivities or prefer biocompatible options will love this. Without metal, the gum margin won't have a black line, adding to its natural appearance.
  • Gentle on your smile: Traditional crowns require extensive tooth removal. Your dentist can keep more of your tooth structure because zirconium caps are so strong. The method is less intrusive and treatment may be less sensitive.
  • Precision is key: CAD/CAM technology is used to make zirconia crowns that fit perfectly. This precise design reduces gaps, leakage, and potential issues, extending the life of your crown.

How to prepare for zirconium veneer treatment

You may ensure a smooth and successful trip by:

  • A thorough consultation with your dentist is the first step. Discuss aesthetic aspirations, dental issues, and medical history. Open communication enables your dentist to tailor your treatment plan.
  • X-rays depict your teeth and jawbone, while impressions show their form and size. This guide helps you make personalised veneers.
  • This unique technology simulates your new smile based on your choices and the dentist's expertise. Before driving, take a test drive.
  • Zirconia is less invasive, but it necessitates tooth preparation. For comfort, your dentist will discuss sensitivity and give local anaesthesia.
  • Brush and floss every day. The treatment lowers bacteria and keeps your mouth healthy.

Zirconia crown procedure

Let's discuss the treatment so you can anticipate a beautiful smile.

  • Consultation and planning: We inspect your teeth, listen to your problems, and discuss your goals during your appointment. X-rays and digital scans may be taken for a detailed treatment plan.
  • Preparing the throne: Following this, a gentle dental preparation for its crown is made. This includes removing a little enamel to make room for the crown and ensure a good fit. To make it painless, we'll numb the region.
  • Capturing your smile: Scanners, whether digital or conventional, capture impressions. These thorough impressions guide your bespoke zirconia crown for a flawless fit and natural appearance.
  • Temporary stand-in: You will wear a temporary crown while the lab makes your permanent crown (2–5 days). This preserves your prepared tooth and lets you try out your new grin for a day or two.
  • Bonding for beauty: Your permanent zirconia crown is made to match the colour, shape, and level of transparency of your teeth. We'll gently cement the crown for a secure fit.
  • Post-crowning care: To maintain your beautiful new smile, brush twice a day and floss once a day. Regular dental exams are also critical for crown longevity and oral health.

Care after zirconia crown procedure

After zirconia crown procedure:

  • Be gentle for a few days: Your mouth, particularly around the new crown, may be sore following surgery. For the first few days, eat yoghurt, soup, or mashed potatoes to help your tissues mend.
  • Brush and floss like a pro: Oral hygiene is essential. Use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush the crown and gum line twice a day. Floss every day to get rid of plaque and food bits.
  • Hot and cold not your best friends: Avoid significant oral temperature variations over the first several days. It may induce transient sensitivity. Ice cream should be eaten in moderation, while coffee and tea should be chilled before drinking.
  • Stay out of sticky situations: Sticky sweets, gum, and other difficult foods may harm your crown. Choose softer delicacies and consume them sparingly.
  • Be kind to your crown: Don't chew on hard items like ice or nuts, use your teeth to open packages, or bite nails. They may damage or shatter your crown.
  • Regular checkups: For expert cleanings and crown health, visit the dentist every six months. Early detection may prevent problems.

How much does zirconia crown cost in Turkey?

Turkey charges $150–$500 per crown. But this is only the beginning. You're delighted about Turkish zirconia crowns, but the price may be unclear. Let's simplify and guide you through the costs.

Price varies: Unfortunately, there's no universal solution. Zirconia crown prices in Turkey depend on numerous factors:

  • Number of Crowns: One tooth replacement costs less than a whole mouth repair.
  • Complexity: Root canals and bone grafts will raise the cost.
  • Location and Clinic: Costs vary by city and clinic.
  • Dentist's Expertise and Experience: Experienced dentists may charge more, but their expertise ensures a better result.

Does zirconia crown treatment hurt?

No, the zirconia crown does not hurt. Modern methods and skilled dentists make zirconia crown treatment painless. You may expect:

  • Local anaesthesia: Before tooth preparation, you'll be numbed with local anaesthesia. This reduces procedure pain.
  • Minimal Sensitivity: The gums may be sensitive after the operation. Over-the-counter pain medicine or cold compresses may relieve this temporarily.
  • Gentle Techniques: Modern dentists use less invasive methods to reduce tissue loss and pain.

Everyone feels pain differently. The operation is usually pleasant; however, some individuals may be sensitive.

How long do zirconia crowns last?

Optimal maintenance can extend the life of zirconia crowns to at least ten to fifteen years. Why are they resilient?

  • Zirconium is stronger than porcelain crowns and resists chipping, breaking, and wearing.
  • Turkish dentists use innovative procedures and high-quality materials to prolong crown life.
  • Zirconia's strength allows for minimal tooth removal during insertion, preserving your natural tooth structure and ensuring the crown's long-term durability.

Zirconia is durable; however, its longevity relies on proper mouth hygiene and frequent dental checkups:

  • Brush and floss professionally: Regular brushing and flossing reduce plaque and germs, avoiding gum disease and crown loosening.
  • Avoid bad habits: Heavy chewing or using teeth as tools can harm even the toughest crown.
  • Regular Checkups Matter: Regular dental visits identify and correct possible concerns, increasing your crown's longevity.

Are zirconia crown treatments worth it?

Yes, zirconia crowns treatment is worth it. To assist you in making a decision, let us analyse the pros.

Reasons to smile brightly:

  • Aesthetics: Zirconia is naturally clear, just like tooth enamel, which gives it a beautiful, uniform look.
  • Durability: These crowns are stronger than regular ones, resisting chipping, cracks, and wear.
  • Biocompatibility: Zirconia comes without metal, making it perfect for allergy sufferers and biocompatible patients.
  • Minimal tooth removal: Because zirconia is strong, less tooth structure is needed for installation, conserving your original tooth and perhaps lowering discomfort.

Are zirconia crown procedures safe in Turkey?

Yes, zirconia crown procedures are safe with trained and experienced Turkish dentists. Turkey has sophisticated dental facilities with cutting-edge equipment and rigorous safety and hygiene regulations. Turkish dentists follow strict guidelines and undertake extensive training to guarantee patient safety during zirconia crown treatments. Biocompatible zirconia is well-tolerated by the body and unlikely to induce allergies. This makes zirconia crown treatments in Turkey safer.

How long does it take to make a zirconia crown in Turkey?

You may question how long it takes. What to expect:

The Journey:

  • Consultation and planning: This first meeting sets the stage. A typical X-ray and digital scan take 30–60 minutes.
  • Tooth preparation: During this session, your dentist carefully shapes the tooth for the crown. Expect 30–60 minutes in the chair.
  • Impressions: Next, capture the tooth form. This takes 15–30 minutes conventionally or digitally.
  • Temporary crown & lab work: While the lab makes your permanent crown (4-5 days), you will wear a temporary crown for safety and cosmetic continuity.
  • Final touches and crown placement: This exciting stage entails fixing and fitting the permanent crown perfectly. Set aside 30–60 minutes.

Put it together:

Total time: Typically 2-3 visits over 1-2 weeks. This period depends on the case and lab response times.

Travel considerations: When planning, take into account travel time and jet lag. Schedule appointments effectively to reduce visits.

Zirconia crown before and after photos

Fortunately, several before-and-after photographs illustrate how this unique therapy may change.

Chipped to chic:

Zirconia crowns may hide damaged or fractured teeth for a consistent smile. Zirconia's translucency resembles enamel, blending seamlessly with your teeth.

Say goodbye to gaps and hello to confidence:

Dental professionals may repair gaps and produce a balanced, symmetrical smile using zirconia crowns. This improves dental health by reducing food impaction and gum disease as well as improving appearance.

Discolored to dazzling:

Teeth discolouration might lower confidence. Zirconia crowns, available in several hues, may match your desired whiteness for a bright, young smile.

Beyond aesthetics:

Most crowns break, but zirconia crowns last longer and are harder. Improved functionality lets you eat and chew comfortably for years.

Find inspiration: These are just a few options. Check our online galleries and ask dentists for before-and-after photographs of your problems and desired results. This customized strategy will assist you in identifying and deciding on your change.

Not just photos: Before and after photographs are helpful, but each smiling journey is different. Meet with our certified Turkish dentist to discuss your requirements, concerns, and aesthetic aspirations. They provide personalised advice, answer queries, and assure a positive zirconia crown experience.

What are types of zirconia crowns?

To help you choose, let's examine the typical options:

  • Solid zirconia crown:
    • Zirconium oxide-only group leader.
    • Its strength and endurance make it resistant to chipping, cracks, and wear.
    • Suitable for most situations, particularly teeth that require extensive repair or high chewing function.
    • Somewhat less transparent than other alternatives, although improvements are coming.
  • Layered zirconia crown:
    • Beautiful, strong, and attractive.
    • A durable zirconium core is paired with a porcelain exterior.
    • The porcelain layer's translucency and hue match the approximate tooth enamel for a more authentic appearance.
    • Ideal for repairing front teeth or other cosmetic regions.
  • High-translucent zirconia crown:
    • Getting the most natural look.
    • It mimics tooth enamel almost perfectly, made of a particular zirconium that transmits light well.
    • Ideal for people who are interested in front tooth restoration or aesthetics.
    • Though less durable than solid zirconia, improvements are making them stronger.
  • Monolithic zirconium crown:
    • Similar to solid zirconia, but coloured differently.
    • Integrated colour eliminates the need for porcelain.
    • Even if chipped or shattered, it provides a continuous crown colour.
    • Suitable for people concerned about colour incompatibilities in traditional layered crowns.

Your requirements and priorities determine the perfect zirconia crown. Take into account tooth position, aesthetics, budget, and strength.

What is the success rate of zirconia crown treatment?

Zirconia crowns have high success rates. Studies show:

  • Up to 99% of zirconia crowns last 10-15 years, with some studies finding longer success.
  • Chipping, sensitivity, and crown failure are infrequent.
  • Zirconia's strength prevents chipping, breaking, and wear, making it a durable crown.
  • Metal-free reduces allergic responses and improves tissue health, increasing success rates.

What type of anaesthesia is used for zirconia crown procedure?

Fortunately, zirconia crown insertion usually uses local anaesthesia, minimising your pain.

Rarely used alternatives:

  • Nitrous oxide (Laughing Gas): Inhaled gas helps relax and reduce anxiety.
  • Oral sedation: In rare cases, dentists may offer oral sedation for relaxation, but you'll stay aware.
  • General anesthesia: Due to their less invasive nature, zirconia crown treatments seldom require general anaesthesia.

How soon can I fly after zirconia crown treatment?

After zirconia crown implantation, most patients may travel comfortably for 24-48 hours. This period facilitates early healing and reduces cabin pressure-related issues. Everyone recovers at their speed. Ask your dentist for a personalised recovery plan. Longer flights or those with large altitude changes may need additional recuperation time. Discuss any health issues with your dentist to ensure flying after the operation is safe.

What should I eat after zirconia crown treatment?

This guide will help you keep your new crown and mouth happy while eating throughout the healing process.

First 24 Hours:

  • Choose soft & cool: Eat yoghurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and soup to prevent severe temperatures.
  • Hydration matters: To recover and avoid dry mouth, which may hurt, hydrate with water and unsweetened beverages.

Next few days:

  • Offer soft chewable foods: As your sensitivity lessens, offer cooked veggies, spaghetti, and soft bread.
  • Avoid sticky, crunchy, and hard foods like nuts, raw vegetables, and candies. These can damage or remove your new crown.
  • Extreme heat and cold might create transient sensitivity. Eat your meal when it cools.

If you feel pain while eating, adjust your meal selections. Avoid awkward situations.

Why should you get zirconium crowns in Turkey?

What makes Turkey a good site to try zirconium crowns:

  • Turkey's dental treatment is cheaper than in many Western nations. This may make zirconia crowns, which cost more upfront, more affordable for budget-conscious people.
  • Do not sacrifice quality and expertise, even if cost is appealing. Turkey has several skilled dentists who use high-quality zirconia crown materials and innovative methods.
  • Turkish dental facilities use sophisticated technology and stringent sterilisation standards to provide safe and sanitary treatment.
  • Combine dental care with a fantastic Turkey vacation. Reach your smiling objectives while exploring the rich history, lively culture, and breathtaking scenery.
  • Many Turkish clinics provide personalised treatment regimens for overseas patients, guaranteeing clear communication and meeting your demands.

Do zirconia crowns stain?

No, zirconia crowns withstand discolouration better than porcelain. Zirconia does not discolour, although the bonding agent and habits might damage the crown's look. Smoking, dark-colored food and drink, and poor dental hygiene may discolour crown margins. Regular dental cleanings and oral hygiene may avoid stains and preserve the crown's beauty.

Are zirconia crowns better than porcelain?

Both zirconia and porcelain crowns offer benefits, and the patient's requirements and preferences determine which is best. Since zirconia crowns are strong and durable, they are ideal for repairing molars and teeth exposed to vigorous chewing. These crowns withstand chipping and breaking better than porcelain ones. Due to its translucency and ability to match real teeth, zirconia crowns seem natural. However, porcelain crowns are very attractive and are typically used for front tooth restorations because they mix flawlessly with adjacent teeth. For patients with limited crown placement space, they may be better.

Are zirconia crowns hard to remove?

Zirconia crowns are durable and trustworthy because dental cement bonds them to the tooth structure. They are not difficult to remove, but a dentist must use specialised instruments and procedures. Removing the crown intact may require time and accuracy.

Are zirconia crowns permanent?

No, zirconia crowns are not permanent. But they are long-lasting dental restorations. Zirconia is durable; however, dental hygiene behaviours like tooth grinding and ordinary wear and tear might affect its lifespan. Zirconia crowns may endure for years with appropriate care, offering patients a dependable and attractive dental option. They may need replacement owing to natural wear or gum or tooth alterations.